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The Lord says "I am in Captivity in America"

I love how Emma Stark explains the role of a prophet. She states that if you had a Shepherd or Pastor speaking to you, that the audience would feel incredibly nurtured and comforted. If you had a Teacher, you'd be diligently taking notes and if you were listening to an Evangelist, you would be running to give your life to Jesus or recommit it for the 27th time. If you had an Apostle speaking to you, you would be thinking strategy and how can I employ you and send you but a prophet is generally irritating. A prophet's job, she explains is to "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted". A prophet's job is to rock the boat and offend the status quo until you get to the place that God wants you to be in so in this Word (which the Holy Spirit confirmed to me and asked me to release), I'm going to do my best to share what He recently told me regarding "Dismantling Mindsets" and what He is doing. Holy Spirit took me to my notes of Emma Sta which were virtually identical so when something is confirmed in such a powerful way - they are words that we need to pay attention too because they are not the words of man - they are the Words of God delivered by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of the Lord says "I'm in captivity here in this Nation - America. I am looking for a people who will allow Me to be Me. I am looking for the Wild Ones says the Lord who will not have Me as a prisoner in their life or Church - who will not have me a prisoner to their traditions. The Spirit of the Lord has been groaning but He's offering you an invitation. He's asking YOU if you will host of a move of His Spirit.

I'm going to have to release the rest of this Word via video. I'll post it below here: Part I

I look forward to your comments and questions.



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