12 Questions
You Should
Ask Before
a Counselor
Choosing the right counselor is potentially one of the most important decisions you will make. Obviously you are going through a tough time, a transitional period, trying to heal from past mistakes or abuse or even hurting deeply over someone close who has sinned continuously and deeply against you. This is your future and the advice you get can turn your world around for the better or cause devastating consequences.
There are many today in this world that just hang up a shingle and even more licensed that might have a belief system contrary to yours. Here are 12 questions you should ask and I usually suggest interviewing several until you are at peace with the person who will be guiding you. Proverbs tells us in Proverbs 11:14 Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Wisdom is so important in our day and age.
What type of counseling do you do? What is your philosophy or belief system? Not all faith based counselors really do that type of counseling.
What experience do you have working with the types of problems I’m experiencing. Generally, having experience or at least training in your problem area would be important. Both would be ideal.
What is your success ratio in working with problems like these? Now keep in mind that most counselors or coaches don’t keep statistics the same way a heart surgeon might so listen for honest disclosure in how the therapist answers.
Do you tend to be more directive or consultant to your patients/clients? There are times when having a directive therapist can be very helpful but there are also time when it is better to have more of a guide on a path and to see someone that will help you derive the best answers for yourself. Are they solution focused or feeling focused? For true success….are they Christ focused and reliant.
Describe your ideal client? Is this me?
What types of things do you expect me to do between sessions? This will help you know what to expect. I’ll tell you up front, I believe anyone serious about change can’t do it in one hour a week. I provide assignments and expect my clients to be fully engaged in the process.
What do clients do that annoy you?
If I wanted to bring someone along on a session would that be a problem?
What is private and confidential and what isn’t?
I’ve never been in therapy, what can I expect to go through with __________ particular problem?
Do you think you can help me. This is a very important issue and as a Christian (whether I was a therapist or not) I would suggest praying about it. Your ability to put your trust in then is really important.
What is your cancellation policy and what if I can’t make an appointment? Would you be willing to do a phone appointment?
Choosing a counselor or life coach is one of the most productive and life changing things you can do…the key is to find the right one. I pray I have given you some direction. I am happy to answer the above questions for any clients and am presently booking appointments. Counseling is available via e-counseling, Skype or phone both nationally and internationally. In home services are available locally. For a free 30 minute consultation call Dr. Baldwin at 1-800-750-2309 or her cell at 314-791-2450. Calls if not immediately answered will be returned within 48 hrs. If it is not safe to call you back at the number from which you called…please make that known.