Stronger Together
Destiny Redemption Ranch is a 9-12 month residential phased program that is centered and sensitive
to the special needs of low-income single head of household women who due to struggles with addiction, homelessness, incarceration, domestic violence, and lack of life or parenting skills are at risk for termination of parental rights due to Child Protective Service investigations or courts orders that have placed their children in foster care. "Despite judicial and statutory limitations, many states continue to infer child neglect based on poverty alone!" (Missouri Law Review).
We are a private Christian ministry, who is committed to empowering these mothers to reaching their God-given potential. By providing a Christ-centered and loving safe environment, motivated single parents can flourish. Our residential program is designed to assist them on their journey from loss and hardship to one of successful and lasting reunification with their children and reintegration into society.
Residents are provided with individualized case management to ensure they receive the services and healing needed such as inner heart healing sessions, addiction recovery, mentorship, life skills, parenting classes, vocational training options, discipleship, in a Christ-Centered loving and safe environment. This alone can make all the difference between a life of hardship and surviving to one of transformation and victory.
We are confident that any mother, regardless of the obstacles she faces, can change the projectory of her life generationally. Have a look at what we have to offer to decide if we’re the best fit.

At DESTINY REDEMPTION RANCH we know that every recovery journey is different. We help residents receive the services they need to provide a safe and stable future for themselves and their children. We work with the Division of Youth and Family Services (CPS), to ensure every court requirement during their time here is met for successful reunification with their children. We provide state of the art facilities including mentorship and vocational training opportunities.

Meal preparation; managing finances including a household budget; vocational opportunities on site; securing employment; obtaining transportation; securing safe housing; managing mental health, addiction recovery, along with child care are some of the vital life skills the women will master during their time in our residential facility.
Overcoming a substance abuse disorder and learning the skills to maintain recovery is not an easy feat. It takes tremendous courage and tenacity for many of these women to break addictions that have held their destiny hostage for years. Many have been raised in homes where trauma and abuse where a result of parents also struggling with SUD's. We believe through sponsorship, discipleship, individualized and group recovery goals, accountability and education; our program provides the stability and safety each mother needs to maintain a drug free future. We ensure prior to discharge that community support, family services, ongoing case management, and a home church including sponsorship by a mentoring family are key factors in changing not only the lives of these women but their children generationally.


Domestic Abuse leaves women shattered, shamed, devalued, and hopeless. As they experience the love of their Heavenly Father and begin to see themselves in their new identity as His Beloved who loves them & their children lavishly; the generational cycle of DV is broken. During their time in the residential program, our goal is that through every aspect of the program beyond learning healthy relationship skills and boundaries, that one encounter with Jesus will forever change how they see themselves.

Every resident will be assessed, evaluated , and followed by a case manager throughout their time in our program. Each resident will have an individualized treatment plan including goals and court requirements that need to be met during their time in our program. Case Management ensures clients are transitioning well and meeting their weekly goals and responsibilities. They advocate and equip the residents to overcome obstacles on their path to independence and stability as well as connect with community resources that may be needed to address concerns not directly addressed by our program.
You can be assured that your case manager and every member of our executive and house is invested and committed to every client's successful completion and transition to independence.

There are few things more stressful and a hindrance to recovery and the ability on focusing to rebuild your life than the inability to visit with your children. At Destiny Redemption Ranch we provide approved supervised visitation so moms can bond with their children and meet court orders while working towards unsupervised visitation.
For those mothers who are fortunate to be able to keep their children on premise with them, we provide daycare services while they attend mandated classes and eventually phase into vocational training and employment.
Equine Therapy
Equine therapy is the use of horses in a therapeutic setting. It helps promote emotional growth and personal development in the lives of individuals who may have lost sight of their priorities. This type of therapy has been effective in a variety of treatment scenarios for children, adolescents, and adults. Individuals who participate in equine therapy while recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction often experience several life changing benefits. Working with horses is often just a small part of a comprehensive treatment plan. It is especially useful in treating people who have not shown improvement with other types of drug rehab treatment, such as therapy or counseling.

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Inner Healing & Deliverance