Dr. Regina Baldwin, D. Min. CPLC
Prophetic Inner Healing
Few, if any of us are exempt from circumstances which have left our heart wounded and shattered. Many of us go through life surviving, unaware of how years of hurt, betrayal, abuse, rejection, and shame have become part of who we are. We may even start doubting if the victorious life Jesus offers us in His Word is something attainable in this life? Perhaps you have wondered or resigned to the fact that your heart will never be whole this side of eternity. Perhaps you've prayed for so long for Jesus to relieve your pain that you're afraid to even hope anymore.
Whether you have lost a child or are suffering with a painful disease or illness; whether fear of failure or rejection unconsciously continues to sabotage your relationships; whether you simply resigned to living a joyless and unfulfilled life...we are here to tell you the GOOD NEWS about Prophetic Inner Healing.
Jesus came to bind up your shattered & broken heart. Freedom and true inner healing are one step away.
Book your session with Dr. Baldwin today and let her walk you through an intimate and personal inner healing session as Jesus and the Holy Spirit bring healing to parts of your heart you may not even realize are broken and hurting.
What Is Inner Healing and How Can It Help Me?

"Inner healing is actually the application of the cruxcified and resurrected life of Jesus Christ and His Blood to those parts of my heart and yours that did not fully "get the message" when we first received Jesus as Savior. Because some areas deep in our hearts have not believed and accepted the good news and our death and rebirth in Him, the fullness of His work has not yet happened for us." John and Mark Stanford Charisma Magazine

Susana - Sweden
"I was living with the worst fear for 5 years when the Holy Spirit led me to Dr. Regina Baldwin. I was in such devastating need of someone to listen to me and set me free from the chains of fear. I was broken and paralyzed with fear for so long. The Holy Spirit has used Dr. Baldwin to break the chains not only of fear but also how I saw myself. Through our discipleship/coaching and inner healing sessions, I have come to see how Jesus really sees me and that Our Father God is real and truly loving. Regina is a giving and devoted person who enlightens with the presence of the Holy Spirit every time I speak to her. I consider her not only my mentor/healing teacher but also as my soul sister. Words cannot express how grateful I am to her and how much I have grown in my faith. Wonderful things have happened in my family’s life since my first session. My personal development with Jesus just keeps expanding and I have been able to feel Jesus’ love more than ever. It is like now Jesus breathes out in every area in my life and enlightenments everything He touches. I can receive His love in a way that I never could. Every time I speak to Dr Baldwin, she gives me hope in everything I need to deal with. Her encouragement is something I love so much about her. If you have struggles with trauma, fear, or anything – or if you want to grow in your relationship with God and get to know how He really sees you, I highly recommend working with Dr. Baldwin. The Holy Spirit truly uses her to set people free. I now believe that nothing is impossible with Jesus in my life."

Angelina - California
I have suffered from sexual abuse as a child, which lead me into shame, isolation, depression, not knowing boundaries or how to speak up for myself. I found myself in a cycle of people pleasing, Co-dependency, not knowing how to say “no” to others and not knowing my self worth. I found myself in sinful situations, that my heart truly didn’t desire, which spiraled my shame and self worth. I continued to live a depressed life, yet seeking the love my heart desired, I went from man to man, only to become more heart broken. As I was in a marriage for over 20 years, he was harboring anger and bitterness in his heart and out into his words. All the while, I tried my best to make things better within my family and isolated myself from the pain. I found myself, several times leaving him for another man, only to still be heart broken, as I left my marriage. I finally surrendered to God! I was tired of this vicious cycle! Feeling like I was at the end of my rope. I finally decided that I truly needed help and guidance to restore myself.
The Holy Spirit lead me to Dr. Regina Baldwin. Through her loving care, discipleship, coaching and inner healing sessions with the Holy Spirit. I have been able to receive freedom from generational curses, childhood trauma, and my sinful actions. Recognizing that my sin and from others around me have been holding me back from the greatness God has ordained for my life. My heart desire is to serve the Lord, and by allowing the guidance and healing only the Father can provide through the Holy Spirit. Regina has been a strong force in helping me achieve that freedom! I’m so grateful for all Regina’s knowledge and guidance, she brings in every session.
I’m excited to see my continued growth, so strong, so powerful, that I can soar with eagles! My confidence to speak, share and value myself has grown farther than, I could have imagined. My heart is full of love and joy! Their were days in my life, I would look in the mirror and cry…today I can sing, smile and feel my heart overflowing! I can’t say enough about the breakthroughs, I’ve received. Thank you so much, Regina for giving me a restored heart and mind! That God so desires for me, to enjoy my life!
Use Our Contact Form Below to Book Your Prophetic Inner Healing Session Today
or Call 417-731-8354
Sessions are conducted Globally remotely via GoToMeeting video.