Prayer of Release for Roman Catholics & Their Descendants

I did not write this prayer. Coming from a generationally Catholic family and having attended 10 years of parochial school; I found this Prayer of Release brought much needed freedom to my life. Often, it's difficult to clearly ascertain why we struggle with certain bondages. The practices of the Catholic Church are contrary to many doctrines of the Bible. Prior to my salvation, I participated in many of their practices which unknowlingly opened doors to the demonic which needed to be specifically addressed. For those of you who would like to read an excellent articles on The Roman Catholic Religion vs. Bible Christianity, here is an exellent article written by Richard Beaulac, in which he addressed 27 specific false doctrines with corresponding Bible verses. Here is that PDF:
For those of you, like myself, who have accepted Jesus as the Only True Savior and Bible Christianity, I encourage you to read through the following prayer and then as the Holy Spirit leads, read it out loud. I have found much freedom and healing through this prayer. I have attached a pdf document that you may print out of same prayer at the end. I look forward to any questions or comments.
Prayer of Release for Roman Catholics & their Descendants Copyright 2010 Selwyn Stevens, For more information and background for this renunciation, see
This was written by Diane Hawkins: Her website is Note from Diane Hawkins: I have somewhat modified this prayer to coincide with my perspectives for doing effective spiritual warfare without evoking retaliation and the breaking of generational inheritances and soul ties (ungodly relationship bonds). I have also made minor changes in punctuation and spelling. For Selwyn Stephen’s original prayer, see the link given above.