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Holy Spirit & Coming Food Shortage: Food List

May 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, 2022, Holy Spirit urged me to drop what I was doing each day and go to the store. Each day was a new assignment. On May 8th, 2022, He started telling me that He would give supernatural provision to His Children; however, we also, like Joseph, needed to use wisdom and prepare. Many will be caught off guard as this famine will come to the United States and other Western Countries "suddenly". I saw in my minds eye pictures of stores with empty shelves.

The first day, He urged to go buy several hundred dollars worth of frozen vegetables and canned goods (tuna, tomato sauce, spaghetti, kidney and other beans, 4 pounds of sugar, 5-6 pounds of white & wheat flour, natural sweeteners I use, coffee, creamer that won't spoil, and any fruits I wanted to juice). I love to juice regularly watermelon, pineapple, lemon, and ginger. He told me to start freezing as much juice as possible. I also purchased frozen fruits, oatmeal, cream of wheat and other hot cereals and condiments. Each trip I also starting purchasing gallons of water. He nudged me to purchase baking products such as baking soda, baking powder, cans of pumpkin, raisins, chocolate morsels, and dried cranberries. I ordered a gallon of apple cider vinegar and extra baking soda as it makes a great egg substitute. Be sure to stock up on snacks your children love and bread. I'm not a bread eater so I did not purchase any bread. He did tell me to purchase lots of brown rice so I purchased about 10 pounds of brown rice and 2 large bottles of amino acids soy souce replacement. I love to make fried rice this way and throw in some frozen veggies. This is a healthy meal that stretches.

The second day, May 9th, 2022, Holy Spirit told me to go purchase paper towels, toilet paper, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, baby powder, and any other toiletries that I would need for several months including hair dye, qtips, and over the counter medications such as Tylenol and Aleve as they would become extremely expensive and hard to come by. Many people would take advantage of others. If you use any Pepto or cold medicine, I would suggest purchasing these also. Another 10 gallons of distilled water. I was given instructions to continue purchasing bottled water and fill the empty gallon containers with filtered tap water and regular tap water. There will be a drought and I also sensed that there would be contagions in the water so I have been storing as much water as possible. In the baby section at Walmart, you can buy gallons of distilled water for $1. I also bought on Amazon a small container of mineral drops and electrolyte powder. I almost forgot: I also purchased 4 gallons of almond milk and stuck them in my landlords freezer. Detergent, bleach, fabric softener was also on my purchase list.

Day three, May 10th, I was told to drop what I was doing and go to the butcher and purchased 10 (ten), 1 (one) pound fresh ground beef, a couple of whole chickens, and about 10 big chicken breasts. I was told by summers end and that already some meats will be sold as fresh but grown in a lab.

On the 4th day, May 11th, Holy Spirit told me to purchase 3 large bags of 40 pound dog food and 6 months of flea & tick medication from my vet. The biggest message that He wanted me to share was 'DO NOT FEAR'. He will always provide for His children and we will see supernatural provision as Jesus did with the multitudes. At first I didn't want to spend the money and say "Well Lord, if you are going to give supernatural provision, then why I am purchasing all these groceries. This is more than I have purchased in a year." He told me that supernatural provision doesn't trump being wise and prepared. No argument there. I know many of you reading this don't have many resources. Contrary to what many think, I continue to trust the Lord every month for my own provision so again "DO NOT FEAR".

The most important thing the Holy Spirit wants me to share is that each and every one of you need only to seek Him and be obedient to what He wants you to do. I am simply sharing what He told me to do and being obedient in sharing it. I have also begun to start growing some basic food items. Papa told me just this week that I could grow pounds of potatoes, garlic, onions, and ginger - I love love love ginger - very easily at home. Turns out lemon plants are super easy to grow in side. Below is step one on some simple videos I made on how He showed me to get started. Be sure to follow me if you are interested is learning with me how to grow simple items in a small place. These are just short videos on the first step.

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