Guilt Trips: Forms of Psychological Manipulation & Abuse
Guilt trips are carefully crafted forms of psychological manipulation and abuse. They can take place using passive, passive-aggressive, or aggressive tactics. The purpose is to make the intended target feel contrite or ashamed, even when they shouldn’t be. It’s an attempt to make something the target’s fault or responsibility.
Some people use guilt trips because it’s a habit they picked up from others and never learned it was wrong. And some people do it because they’re toxic and manipulative. At the core, guilt trips are used to induce guilt to act against their better judgment, absolve the guilt-tripper from personal responsibility, or make the target feel obligated to do things they aren’t obligated to do.
Telltale Signs Someone is Trying to Guilt-Trip You
Point out their own efforts and hard work to make you feel as if you’ve fallen short
Make sarcastic or passive-aggressive remarks about the situation
Ignore your efforts to talk about the problem
Give you the silent treatment
Deny their irritation, though their actions tell you otherwise
Show no interest in doing anything to improve the situation themselves
Use body language to communicate their displeasure by sighing, crossing their arms, or slamming objects down
Make leading remarks meant to appeal to your emotions, such as, “Remember when I did [X] thing for you?” or “Don’t I do things for you all the time?”
Guilt-Trips Can Be Signs of Abusive Behavior
Guilt-tripping often happens in abusive relationships, so it’s important to reach out for help if they: Guilt you into doing things after you say no.
The behavior forms a pattern;
Won’t accept your apology for a mistake;
Make no effort to change;
Try to control your behavior in other ways;
You feel as if you can’t do anything right;
You notice put-downs, gaslighting, or other emotional abuse...