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Parental Alienation Services

Parental alienation refers to a psychological condition in which a child allies himself or herself  strongly with an alienating (or preferred) parent and rejects a relationship with the alienated (or targeted) parent without legitimate justification (Lorandos et al., 2013). A significant other or spouse in an adult child's life can also cause  Parental alienation often occurs in families in which a more powerful parental figure (the alienating parent) engages in abusive behaviors intended to damage and destroy the relationship between the other, less powerful parent (the targeted parent) and the child (Harman, Kruk, & Hines, 2018).


When you're fighting for your children's future and you need wisdom and Godly counsel on your side.

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Can't wait to release our new Wordpress Website.  Be sure to come back, we're getting ready for a whole new look and services. 

Client Testimonies

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Susana picture 2_edited.jpg

David, Arizona

For many people like me, it is hard to know where to turn for good counsel regarding delicate family matters such as parental alienation...

Angelina, California USA

I have suffered from sexual abuse as a child which lead me into shame, isolation, depression...

Susana, Sweden

I was living with the worst fear for 5 years when the Holy Spirit led me to Dr. Regina Baldwin. I was broken and Paralyzed.....

Our Ministry Structure

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Ministry Mandates

Doctrines of Faith

Leadership - Board of Directors

Spiritual Accountability Board

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Heavolution International Ministries Giving

 Heavolution International Ministries  is an offering-funded ministry dedicated to glorifying Jesus through practical care ministry such as Biblical Counseling, Trauma Coaching, Inner Healing and Deliverance,  support groups, discipleship classes in order to bound up the broken hearted and then see them empowered and equipped to fulfill their calling. We have been also been given the mandate to teach and raise u the Body of Christ unto maturity.  Unfortunately, many people in the Body of Christ are hurting and stuck in sabatoging behaviors and habitual sin. and we aim to be the heart as well as hands and feet of Jesus.  The majority of those who need our services are not able to pay and because we desire to be a blessing and not a burden, we ask that you would give or partner with us monthly as the Holy Spirit leads you too.  Starting We are in the process of applying for tax-exempt status but right now we can not offer you a tax exempt receipt. Please partner as the Lord leads to help us change lives and ultimately generations for Jesus. 

„Du kannst nicht zurückgehen, um den Anfang zu ändern, aber  Sie können dort beginnen, wo Sie sind, und das Ende ändern". CS Lewis  

Rogersville, MO  65742


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