I was living with the worst fear for 5 years when the Holy Spirit led me to Dr. Regina Baldwin. I was in such devastating need of someone to listen to me and set me free from the chains of fear. I was broken and paralyzed with fear for so long. The Holy Spirit has used Dr. Baldwin to break the chains not only of fear but also how I saw myself. Through our discipleship/coaching and inner healing sessions, I have come to see how Jesus really sees me and that Our Father God is real and truly loving. Regina is a giving and devoted person who enlightens with the presence of the Holy Spirit every time I speak to her. I consider her not only my mentor/healing teacher but also as my soul sister. Words cannot express how grateful I am to her and how much I have grown in my faith. Wonderful things have happened in my family’s life since my first session. My personal development with Jesus just keeps expanding and I have been able to feel Jesus’ love more than ever. It is like now Jesus breathes out in every area in my life and enlightenments everything He touches. I can receive His love in a way that I never could. Every time I speak to Dr Baldwin, she gives me hope in everything I need to deal with. Her encouragement is something I love so much about her. If you have struggles with trauma, fear, or anything – or if you want to grow in your relationship with God and get to know how He really sees you, I highly recommend working with Dr. Baldwin. The Holy Spirit truly uses her to set people free. I now believe that nothing is impossible with Jesus in my life."