Through specialized and empathetic care, we hope to provide all our residents with the tools they need to succeed once they leave us. Mending Moms Mansion is more than a place to recover - it’s your home away from home.
As we prepare to open our doors, we are confident that every client will find an open and supportive community. The peaceful and private environment will surely inspired renewed dreams, purpose, and identity and our Board of Directors and Staff believe God to infuse His Royal Identity into each mom and child's heart. The Word of God tells us that love conquers all. You don't have to look far to see what humanities best attempts at loving one another have brought - a society of independence, immorality, and a focus on self. We believe that God's love alone can transform the greatest mess of a life into one of purpose, hope, and transformation. We have purposed to partner with God in turning this home and property into a safe haven and taste of heaven for those desperately brokenhearted and hopeless.
This program is a culmination of the life, experience, and education of Dr. Regina Marie Baldwin, D. Min., CPLC. As founder, CEO, and Executive Director, she has walked through abandonment, child abuse, domestic violence, parental alienation, addiction, isolation, suicide attempts, false CPS charges, incarceration, divorce, and even homelessness to victory and purpose through Jesus. Emancipated at 14 years old, pregnant after two abortions at 16, a high school drop out in 10th grade; she credits her transformation to God and God alone.
If you feel utterly hopeless, rejected, and discarded - know that this program is not just another residential program but a promise fulfilled to Dr. Baldwin from God Himself. If Jesus could transform a rebellious, know it all, manipulative, self-centered, abused and shattered victim minded young teenager into the woman of purpose Dr. Baldwin is today; then know He is waiting to do the same for you. There is no circumstance you are facing that is beyond God's reach. You are loved with an everlasting love and even if you are angry at God or feel as though He failed you - know He is big enough to handle wherever you are spiritually. This is not a religious program. This is a program whose foundation is built upon the faith of people who have journeyed some really touch roads. No matter how you feel about yourself, know that we believe in you and hope you will choose to take the time to endeavor on your own new journey toward wholeness. This program is a place of new beginnings for you and your children. Remember - no one can replace the hero you are to your children. Don't they deserve your best shot?