There is nothing as painful as being alienated from your own children!
Except perhaps, the frustration of having to educate the very professionals you desperately need to help you!!
I understand. Twenty-five (25) years ago, I was an alienated mother with few places to turn. Having identified parental alienation as the abuse robbing my life of my relationship with 2 small children: few courts, attorneys, and even fewer professional counselors had experience, let alone knowledge or education in the family dynamics of parental alienation.
Today, I am purposed with a passion to not only offer sound biblical solution focused coaching to those suffering; but, to provide services which assist targeted parents in the reunification and restoration of their relationships with their children. This process begins with a free consultation and the ability to share your story with an educated and compassionate parent who has walked many miles in your shoes. During the consultation, I'll share pieces of my personal and professional parental alienation experience with you. It is also an opportunity for you to ask me any questions.
Once we have both committed to working with each other, I'll start your case by assessing all legal and mental health reports along with your professional team. Sadly, it's too common for litigators and licensed professionals to boast about experience they have gained only in theory.
PAS Intervention Services include but are not limited to the following: coach alienated parent; review all legal and mental health documentation; interview and assess witnesses; conduct relationship history; establish timeline of events; procure evidence needed to support narrative and alienating behaviors through interviews with family, teachers, coaches, daycare worker, neighbors, pediatricians, etc.; prepare client for pending hearings/litigation and/or professional evaluations; assist local attorney in preparing for custody hearings/litigation; and/or mediate negotiations personally; and other relevant services. There is no formula in reestablishing a healthy relationship between a targeted parent and his/her children. Services are determined on a case by case basis. If you are considering contacting me to review your case and do not have an attorney (or are considering hiring a new attorney); I do recommend holding off on doing so until our consultation. Hiring the right attorney, evaluators, therapists, etc. is crucial and sadly the majority of those professing to be experts in parental alienation really are NOT.
As a Biblical Minister, part of healing and turning parental alienation around is dealing with the spiritual elements that may be interfering with your prayers being answered. It's quite understandable that most alienated parents struggle with unforgiveness, unmet expectations, resentment, bitterness and other destructive feelings which can be open doors for the enemy to afflict, harass, and have legal right to operate in your life. I can tell you that when these spiritual hindrances including inner vows, judgements, and even word curses have been dealt with - it not only cleans out of soul - so it can prosper - but removes the hindrances so God can move mighty on our behalf. For more information on inner healing go to our main website - www.biblicalinterventions.com. Often parental alienation is a generation curse and once the hindrances in the spiritual realm have been dealt with then restoration and
reunification can be attained more easily because we have removed the obstacles holding God back from moving powerfully on our behalf. Parental alienation is an evil war that must be fought in the spiritual and the natural. God's will is always for reunification and I assure you - even if you have become discouraged and have started wondering if He really does care - I can assure you that He does and wants nothing more to redeem every part of your life including your children. The enemy would like nothing more than for you to believe that you have no authority and that you are powerless over this situation - You are not for God can not lie.
Should you decide to work with me as a coach, know that inner healing work and learning how to operate in the spiritual realm are some of the keys of the Kingdom we will focus on together.
Perhaps you are just interested in having an experienced coach to help you navigate communications and the deep grief and betrayal you are feeling.
Having walked the path myself and now as a professional who has helped countless alienated parents find peace, healing, healthy coping skills, process toxic emotions, manage rage, regret & betrayal, discover creative ways of showing their children consistent love, set boundaries with angry children, etc... regardless of your situation, I assure you...here you will find the comfort of an experienced Parental Alienation Consultant, Coach & mother who has walked in your shoes. Our team stand ready to serve you. Don't delay. Fill out our contact form below or call our ministry office at 417-731-8354 today to schedule a free consultation. We allow up to 45 minutes for a free initial consultation in order to properly and honestly evaluate our ability to best serve you.
Please contact Dr. Baldwin directly at the 417-731-8354 number or through our contact form. We do have a sliding range of fees which will be discussed during the consultation.
We want to insure everyone has access to the services necessary to defeat this utter evil. We are purposed to help you and will ensure that there are not economic barriers to getting the help you need.
This a child abuse like no other. There is no word to describe the depth of unending sorrow an alienated parent experiences. Isn't it time to have someone lead your team that does?